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Today, more than 1,000 children remain separated from their families and tens of thousands of asylum-seeking mothers remain trapped with their children at the US-Mexico border, forced to wait in cities plagued by femicide and human trafficking. Every day, mothers and children disappear in Mexico as they wait for months, and in many cases, years, for their chance to present their claims for international protection to US immigration authorities.

The border does not have to be this way. You can donate to Al Otro Lado and help support asylum-seeking mothers who are doing what any mother would do - fighting against all odds to protect the lives of their children. Your donation helps Al Otro Lado provide critical humanitarian aid, identify the most vulnerable asylum seekers in need of individual support, and bring litigation aimed at burning down a system that tortures mothers and children fleeing for their lives. The migration of mothers is not a crime - the crime here is what the Department of Homeland Security does to them.

We are grateful for your support as we continue our efforts to dismantle systems of oppression.

Here are some articles that share the stories of our clients and how your donations have supported them:

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Your past support helped reunite our client, Sandra, with her son Bryan on May 4, 2021. The first family to reunite under the Biden administration since zero-tolerance was enacted by Trump. But our work is far from over. Bryan and Sandra are one of four families to be reunited this week, but over 1,000 children remain separated from their parents. Read more on the Washington Post.